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    • Aparajita Raychaudhury Member of Technical Staff (Software Development) 0 reviews
    • Android
    • ASP.NET
    • Java
    • Server
    • Software Development


    I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering and am working as a software developer since graduation (in 2014).

    At work, I currently focus on creating Software-as-a-Service applications for data protection that can be deployed on public cloud. I’ve also worked (and continue working) on products that integrate storage with other applications (like hypervisors).

    Outside work, I have worked on a couple of personal Android Projects, including one to track SMSes to update your calendar with appointments (this was back in 2013, before Siri, Cortana and Google Now had the capabilities it does today)

    I’ve also worked specifically on UI development, but when I last wrote JavaScript, jQuery was the coolest kid on the block. I’m more comfortable implementing business logic, dealing with scalability and performance challenges, setting up databases and servers, etc.

    My primary language at work is C# with .NET Framework. I’ve professionally used C++ and C as well, and am well versed with Java from my school days.

    Outside work (and technology), I’m passionate about reading, traveling and Legos. I’m also active with social causes in my area, with focus on empowerment and education.

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    • Rating:
    • Experience: 2 years
    • Projects worked: 0
    • Country: India