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    • eamonsheil React Developer 0 reviews
    • App Development
    • Database
    • HTML5
    • JavaScript
    • Node.js
    • Server
    • Software Development
    • SQL


    I am a highly motivated, dependable software engineer seeking my first professional role.My background is in music performance and teaching, where I learned the value of persistence and constant improvement. I thrive in a fast-paced environment filled with tight deadlines and multiple assignments, and always strive to have a firm understanding of the fundamentals of the current task at hand. I find great satisfaction in crafting detailed plans for each project, and making necessary adjustments along the way.

    My current web development stack is a React and TypeScript front end with a Node and Express.js back end utilizing the MVC framework with REST API, but I am always seeking to learn more and grow my knowledge. Most recently I have been learning how to write unit tests with Jest, data structures and algorithms, and the Python language.

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    • Rating:
    • Experience: 1 year
    • Projects worked: 0
    • Country: United States