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    • erin Jr. Developer 0 reviews
    • Ruby on Rails



    My passion for problem-solving and my experience to quickly learn is what brought me to software development. Most recently, I have been working as a freelance developer, providing maintenance for an Edesign Chicago client site. In addition, my portfolio and Github repository will display some of my proficiencies in JavaScript, Python, and Ruby.


    I am a lifelong learner and continue to grow my skills as a developer under the guidance of a local tech incubator, tccodes. Tccodes provides coding workshops taught by local business leaders, experienced software engineers and professors. My participation with tccodes has helped me grow my flexibility to meet the changing needs of modern development.


    Prior to my transition to software development I had great successful career as a Recreational Program Director at the GT Bay YMCA, where I grew program growth over 250% and created three new self-direct revenue positive programs. Through collaboration and meeting the growing needs of our customer base, we consistently surpassed expectations.




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    • Rating:
    • Experience: 1 year
    • Projects worked: 0
    • Country: United States