Press Enter


    Press Enter

    Aline Boblin

    Menopause Knowledge Website support

    • 2 bids
    • Open 3 months ago

    Project description:

    We had a WordPress website built using Bluehost for free last year and we’re really struggling to keep it running, update it, action messages, and are also having lots of problems witj the email accounts that were created at the same time.

    We had a volunteer helping us for a while but she has a FT job now and can’t support us any more.

    Our challenges are

    – website no longer backed up although we seem to be paying for that – I know there are free backup tools but I can’t work out how to add those 

    – Plugin updates no longer updating in WordPress. Keep getting an error message 

    – DKIM – not managing to work out how to create this on WordPress (or is it Bluehost?) so that we have greater email delivery for our emails and newsletters. We keep getting an warning message in the newsletter tool we use telling us were not registered.

    – We want to start using Outlook/MS for our emails instead of current email plaform, whilst retaining our current email addresses. No idea how to do this. Lots of people tell us they don’t get our emails. And we can’t use a calendar for our email setup either.

    – Eventbrite only showing a partial list of events on our website  page – I think this is because we don’t have the latest update on website so linked to point above

    – We would like to changing the “subscribe to our newsletter” area so that is automatically adds the new subscriber into our newsletter toil, Tinyemail. No idea how to do that.

    – We have a ‘contact us’ area and would like to add a ‘confirm your humanity ‘ option as we are getting loads of spam emails which we reckon are bots creations. No idea how to do that

    – A smaller issue as I have a workaround. Can’t use Chrome to access WordPress for maintenance of website – there’s something wrong somewhere. I’m just about OK with Edge but keep having to reset password.

    As Continuous Improvement, I’m also trying to sort out the following, so that we are better at keeping on top of being self sufficient and more rigorous going forward 

    – create a list of regular maintenance activities for us to perform, so that we are more self-sufficient

    – optimise the financial cost of ongoing website maintenance and registration, in other words, how can we reduce our costs by using some free tools rather than paid for tools such as for website backups. We’d been told that would be free but that wasn’t the case after one year…

    Many thanks in advance 



    1. chadlydev

      I understand the challenges you’re facing with your current WordPress site and email setup. I’d be happy to help you rebuild your site in a more manageable and user-friendly way. This will ensure you can easily maintain and update it moving forward.

      Please email me at to discuss the details further. I look forward to assisting you with your website and issues.

    2. dev7060

      Hello, I’d like to help

      • Aline Boblin

        What could you do specifically? Tell me more about your experience. Thanks


    Skills required:


    Stephen Beacham
    Web Consultant
    In Process
    Software Programmer and Web Developer
    In Process
    • Address: 1 Windrush Road, Birmingham B475QA
    • Project posted: 1
    • Hires: 0