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    Jan Briddhi Foundation

    Floating Blood Bank Website and Application Development

    • 1 bid
    • Working

    Project description:

    Floating Blood Bank Website and Application Development

    Our NGO is committed to providing immediate and effective assistance to those in need of blood transfusions. In order to streamline our efforts and reach more people, we have decided to launch a project called the Floating Blood Bank. The Floating Blood Bank is a network of volunteers who donate blood and provide it to patients in need at the time of requirement.

    To enhance the effectiveness and reach of this initiative, we have decided to develop a website and mobile app. The website and app will act as a platform to connect volunteers with patients and will enable quick and easy communication and coordination between them.

    The website and app will have a registration system for donors, through which donors can register and provide their contact information and blood group. This information will be used to match donors with patients in need of blood transfusions. Patients and their families can also register on the platform and search for available donors according to their requirements.

    Additionally, the platform will provide information on blood donation, including the benefits of blood donation, the donation process, and eligibility criteria for donors. It will also include guidelines on post-donation care.

    Overall, the development of the website and app will provide a simple and efficient way for volunteers and patients to connect and help save lives.


    1. snehgurdasani

      I have experience classifying checklists in a warehouse with Deep learning model using Tensorflow, developed APIs for insurance clients with FastAPI, Django, Flask, SQLite with Pytest, gRPC and CI/CD with Github, Jenkins and deployed with AWS Lambda and Kubernetes.

      • snehgurdasani

        I have built Java REST APIs using SpringBoot, Spring Cloud, SQL, AWS for insurance and frontend using Angular JS and deployed using Ansible. I have built microservices using Eureka, Zul API gateway.

    2. SparklingWater

      Sounds interesting, how does donatecode work? Are we working together in teams? Would love to help out in any way I can!

    3. Phamdata

      The project sounds very interesting. I recently graduated from college and had some experience with developing interactive webpages and apps. Please let me know how I can contribute to your project.

    4. Laura Duffy

      I would be happy to work with you on the website development — Do you have a minimum viable product already or you are just starting?


    Laura Duffy
    Frontend Developer
    Can complete in 4 weeks
    • Address: Nalipara, Bhethua, Barpeta, Assam-781325
    • Project posted: 1
    • Hires: 0